


To the extent that this policy addresses terms or provisions covered under collective bargaining agreements for represented employees, the terms of the collective bargaining 协议将控制那些代表机密雇员的人.

本程序概述的要求 296-128-600到296-128-770章 of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC), which allows temporary hourly (including student) employees to accrue paid sick leave to care for their health and the health 他们的家庭成员. 本程序为员工和主管提供指导 在解决员工的时间离开工作. 此程序应结合使用 与WAC,适用的RCWs和学院的政策和程序.

A. 累计病假

Temporary hourly employees accrue paid sick leave at a rate of one hour for every 工作40小时.

B. 病假申请,批准,报告和核实

  1. 请病假须经主管批准. 哪里需要用病 leave is foreseeable, as for medical appointments, the employee must notify the supervisor 一旦知道需要请病假,就立即使用病假. 员工会 使用学校的休假申请流程. 哪里不需要请病假 foreseen, the employee must notify the supervisor of the need to use sick leave no later than the start of the shift on which the employee is scheduled to work, and 之后的每一天,除非双方同意不这样做. 如果一名员工 in a position where a relief replacement is necessary if they are absent, he or she will notify the supervisor at least two hours prior to the scheduled time to report to work (excluding leave taken for emergencies in accordance with the Domestic Violence 离开Act).
  2. For absences exceeding three days, the college may require verification that the employee’s 使用带薪病假 is for an authorized purposed listed under sick leave use below.
  3. An employee returning to work after any sick leave absence may be required to provide written certification from his or her health care provider that the employee is able to return to work and perform the essential functions of the job with or without reasonable 住宿.

C. 病假使用


  1. 雇员的精神或身体疾病、受伤或健康状况.
  2. Preventative care such as medical, dental, or optical appointments, and/or treatment.
  3. Care of a family member with an illness, injury, health condition, and/or preventative 医疗、牙科和/或眼科预约等护理.
  4. Closure of the employee’s place of business or child’s school/place of care by order 任何与健康有关的原因.
  5. If the employee or employee’s family member is a victim of domestic violence, sexual 攻击或跟踪. 因家庭暴力,性侵犯而被授权使用病假, 或跟踪包括:
    1. Seeking legal or law enforcement assistance or remedies to ensure the health and safety of employee’s and their family members including, but not limited to, preparing for, or participating in, any civil or criminal legal proceeding related to or derived 家庭暴力,性侵犯,或者跟踪.
    2. Seeking treatment from a medical provider for physical or mental injuries caused by 家庭暴力、性侵犯或跟踪.
    3. Attending health care treatment for a victim who is the employee’s family member.
    4. Obtaining, or assisting the employee’s family member(s) in obtaining services from: a domestic violence shelter, a rape crisis center, or a social services program for 从家庭暴力、性侵犯或跟踪中解脱出来.
    5. To obtain, or assist a family member in obtaining, mental health counseling related to an incident of 家庭暴力、性侵犯或跟踪 in which the employee or the employee’s family member was a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, 或跟踪
    6. Participating, for the employee or for the employee’s family member(s), in: safety planning, or temporary or permanent relocation, or other actions to increase the safety 防止未来发生家庭暴力,性侵犯或跟踪

D. 家庭成员的定义

家庭成员 is defined as a child or parent (including biological, adopted, foster, step, or legal guardian), a spouse, registered domestic partner, spouse’s parent, grandparent, 孙子或兄弟姐妹.

E. 带薪病假累计年

For purposes of paid sick leave for temporary and student hourly employees, 皇冠8868会员登录 山谷学院的会计年度为1月1日至12月31日.

F. 带薪病假时间的结转

There is no cap on the number of paid sick leave hours that may be accrued in a year, however, at the end of the accrual year, only unused paid sick leave 平衡s 40 hours 或更少的收入将结转至下一年的一月. 工作时间超过40小时 将被淘汰.

G. 增加带薪病假的使用

临时小时工可以使用带薪病假,其增量为 .1小时25分.

H. 记录带薪病假时间

Temporary hourly employees will request paid sick leave as appropriate in ctcLink.

I. 时间限制仍然适用

Temporary hourly employees must not go over the maximum hours per week or month that 他们的主管已经分配,包括任何带薪病假提交的时间.

J. 使用带薪病假时的工资率

支付 sick leave hours will be compensated at an employee’s regular rate of pay. 支付 sick leave hours will not count towards the calculation of overtime or towards accruing 额外病假.

H. 共享的离开

Temporary hourly and student employees are not eligible to participate in the shared 离开项目.

I. 无薪休假类型

Unpaid leave for protected use as stated below is to meet legal obligations of regulations 或适用法律. 临时小时工和学生雇员必须通知 their supervisor as appropriate for any unpaid leave absences, but they do not need 将这些缺勤作为缺勤请求在ctclick中正式提交. 无薪休假类型 include civil duty leave, faith and conscience leave and domestic violence, sexual 攻击或跟踪假(不包括可补偿病假).

J. 离职

If an employee separates from employment, there will not be a financial or other reimbursement to the employee for accrued, unused paid sick leave at the time of separation.

K. 恢复就业

If an employee left employment and is rehired within 12 months of separation, any accrued, unused paid sick leave will be reinstated to the employees paid sick leave 平衡.

L. 禁止报复

Any discrimination or retaliation against an employee for lawful exercise of paid 病假是不允许的. 员工不会因违法行为而受到处分 使用带薪病假.

If an employee feels they are being discriminated or retaliated against, the employee 可以联系人力资源总监或指定人员吗.

如果一名员工 not satisfied with the college’s response, the employee may contact 华盛顿州劳工部 & 行业.

网站: www.lni.wa.政府 / WorkplaceRights
电子邮件: ESgeneral@lni.wa.政府

M. 问题?



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